Ready to hear the one tip Nathan and I have heard time and time again in our relationship? This one piece of advice made us laugh when we were dating not because it was silly but because we heard it so many times. What we started to consider a joke during most of our dating time turned out to be the best relationship advice we’ve heard so far!
Communication is Key!
From talking about whether or not we would have a future, to planning a wedding, learning how to live as a married couple, to making decisions jobs, kids, house, holidays... etc Clear communication is what made us close and keeps us going.
Communication doesn't have to be fancy or elaborate to be important. In fact communication will work better if it happens informally. Not just when you're dressed up for date night but with morning breath before coffee. Its from practice with mundane conversations that we gain the strength to have big ones. All forms of strength come from working out. But working out isn't always with weights or long runs. When you are working out in communication it means having the small conversations consistently like: Who will take our the trash? or Can you take the trash out for me today because I can't. Then there are the silly conversations like: Which emoji is your favorite and why? Getting to know you questions like: What was your favorite birthday as a kid? All of these tiny conversations make it easier to have questions like: Should we buy this house? or Is this job opportunity right for me? maybe Are we ready to have kids (or add another fur baby to the family)? and What is your biggest dream in life.
So if you ask me what my #1 relationship advice is... I might chuckle as I say this but it is true: Communication is Key!