Hi I’m Crystal the Verdant Photographer! Photography dropped into my lap by accident during high school as a means to help my grandpa figure out his new toy: a digital camera! Back in the day they were brand new! (Yes im that old!) After figuring out all the buttons to teach him I realized I had fallen in love with not just the function but the photography side of things too!

After I graduated and wasn’t sure what I wanted to do yet when I grew up. So I decided to give photography a try until I figured it out. As it turns out I either don’t want to “grow up” or photography is what im meant to do because over 10 years later im still here and loving it!

Over the years I’ve captured anything from weddings, families, babies, seniors, small businesses to little kids soccer and even duck calls. My work has been featured on well named wedding blogs, on billboards and even on magazine covers! The more I photograph the more I learn photography as a career is not going anywhere for me anytime soon.

I've never actually specified which genre of photography I'm meant to stick with. But in recent years Ive found out im a enneagram 6 (personality quiz that called me a loyalist). That matches my favorite part of this career which is being a: Life Photographer. If I meet you to photograph your wedding I hope I can stick around to be a part of your growing family whether that is by kiddos, furry babies or even a business. That means we won’t show up to your session not having met before. I want to get to know you and hopefully become your friend! What I want to give to you in service is an peaceful and joyful process. From booking your session to delivering your images I want to guide you the whole way. We will meet to decide what you want most from your session and find the best option to meet your needs.

If we've ever met in person then my hope is that I've given little bit of sunshine. Because that is what I try to bring to life through my photography and everything else put my hand to. Whether that is being a wife to Nathan, momma to Arthur & Lucy, getting back to running again, aspiring to be water-colorer, playing piano for church, as a cookie enthusiast, animal snuggler, coffee guzzler and so much more!

So if you're looking for a new bff to be a little light to your life and capture your most important moments... Then let's be friends!